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Produkt zum Begriff Verschiedene:

  • BattleTech Digital Deluxe Content
    BattleTech Digital Deluxe Content

    BattleTech Digital Deluxe Content

    Preis: 3.36 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Imperial DABMAN i250 Internet Digital Schwarz
    Imperial DABMAN i250 Internet Digital Schwarz

    Imperial DABMAN i250. Radiotyp: Internet, Tunertyp: Digital, Unterstützte Bänder: DAB,DAB+,FM,UKW. RMS-Leistung: 20 W. Lautsprechertyp: 2-Wege, Treibereinheit: 7,62 cm. Display-Typ: TFT, Bildschirmdiagonale: 7,11 cm (2.8 Zoll). Ethernet LAN Datentransferraten: 10,100 Mbit/s

    Preis: 160.00 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Schlauchtülle verschiedene Größen
    Schlauchtülle verschiedene Größen

    Die Schlauchtüllen mit Gewinde von doctor-san® werden aus sehr robustem PP und PVC-U hergestellt und bleiben auch bei härtestem Einsatz dauerhaft dicht.Erhältliche Größen: Gewinde-Ø x Stutzen-Ø:G 1" x 32mmG 1-1/4" x 32mmG 1-1/4" x 38mmG 1-1/2" x 38mmG 1-1/2" x 50mmG 2" x 50mmG 2" x 60mm

    Preis: 4.49 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Matratzenschoner | verschiedene Größen
    Matratzenschoner | verschiedene Größen

    Produktinformation Der Matratzenschoner mit den Noppen sorgt für einen guten Halt der Matratze auf dem Lattenrost ohne ständig zu verrutschen. Darüber hinaus schützt er das Material vor übermäßiger Abnutzungen durch den Kontakt mit dem Lattenrost. Der Schoner ist aus hochwertigen Materialen gefertigt und ist dadurch besonders strapazierfähig und langlebig. Zudem ist diese Matratzenunterlage besonders pflegeleicht. Sie kann bei 60°C in der Waschmaschine gewaschen-, sowie im Wäschetrockner getrocknet werden.

    Preis: 9.60 € | Versand*: 4.99 €

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  • Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Safari: Ensuring Your Website Works on the iPhone and iPod touch (Digital Short Cut)
    Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Safari: Ensuring Your Website Works on the iPhone and iPod touch (Digital Short Cut)

    Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Safari (Digital Short Cut) By August Trometer   When Apple announced the iPhone, they also ushered in yet another mobile browser for web developers to contend with: Mobile Safari. While Safari is built on the typical web standards supported by other browsers, Mobile Safari brings in an entirely new paradigm of web browsing. With its touch-screen display, users tap and “pinch” on web pages to bring the content into view. And while most web sites “should” work normally on the iPhone and iPod touch’s Mobile Safari, there are some additional tweaks web designers can make to their sites to enhance the user experience.   This digital Short Cut introduces web designers and developers to the basic concepts of browsing on the iPhone and iPod touch using Mobile Safari. You’ll learn about how the browser works and why it’s so important to help users get the full experience from your website. You’ll also learn about:   Ways to detect Mobile Safari, using JavaScript and PHPHow to serve up a style sheet that’s Mobile Safari-specific to ensure your website is viewable on the iPhone and iPod touchMobile Safari-specific CSS attributes that take advantage of Safari’s WebKitWhich MIME types are supported--and more importantly, not supported--by Mobile SafariHow to create video content for viewing in Mobile Safari   This Short Cut pulls together all the information you need to make your website iPhone and iPod touch-compatible and condenses it down into a quick run-through of everything you need to know.   Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Safari (Digital Short Cut) August Trometer ISBN-10: 0-321-54401-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-321-54401-8   Table of Contents Chapter 1: iPhone Basics Chapter 2: Getting Standard Chapter 3: Getting Compatible Chapter 4: Getting Optimized Chapter 5: Using Rich Media Chapter 6: How-To’s and Other Quick Tips Appendix: Resources   About the Author Written by August Trometer, an Indianapolis-based web developer, you’ll learn the ins and outs of making your website work on the iPhone and iPod touch by someone who’s been there himself. Web developer by day and Cocoa programmer by night, August was the founder of, the only “community” site for Apple’s .Mac members, and the creator of iPodderX, the first third-party utility for Podcasting. You can contact him via his website,

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  • Kirstein Nasenflöte - verschiedene Farben
    Kirstein Nasenflöte - verschiedene Farben

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